Dirt Navy
DJI 0232


  • Demolition
  • Seawalls, revetments, beach accesses 
  • Material disposal
  • Contaminated material removal


In short, if you have something standing that needs to be bought to ground level and disposed of then we can be of service. Houses, structures, slabs, you name it, we can manage how to handle it. Using our contacts in the recycling industry we know how to minimize waste in landfill. We recycle as much material as we can to reduce the project's footprint and ultimately save costs. If ground contamination is present then we can walk you through solutions and provide costings for excavation, removal and disposal to approved facilities.


This is a particularly specialised area of our work, from our roots steaming from a harbourside town, we’ve completed our fair share of coastal repairs and improvements.

Working with the landowners to gain council and environmental consent/permissions where required we can provide services from simple seawall repairs right through to structural walls with surcharges applied. 

We understand that coastal projects are environmentally sensitive projects, and our first base is always ensuring that whatever work we construct is and will be bettering the environment both practically and aesthetically. Quite often doing nothing when it comes to coastal erosion and damage from storm events has a far more detrimental effect than the impact the works will have on the environment, so it’s best to do it once and do it right.


Having undertaken large-scale clean-up operations for large waste and recycling companies at their Auckland-based depots. We’ve become accustomed to getting stuck into some of the most active yards using our machines to clear and sort scrap, re-arrange yard layouts, clear built-up vegetation to expose hardstand areas and remove large unwanted/unused objects from the site. 

A great example of this was for a large waste company, we were contracted to sort and remove 1000+ concrete mass blocks from their Onehunga depot on-road to a recycling facility in the North Waikato. Providing a highly detailed SSSP and JSEA we were engaged to complete the work using a 20ton zero-swing excavator, large hydraulic grab and a fleet of low tare flat deck trucks and trailer units.